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Step into a world of breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable experiences as you explore the Maydaq backcountry trails with ECC Adventures. Located in the beautiful emirate of Fujairah, these trails immerse hikers in a rich tapestry of natural beauty, ecological wonders, and cultural discoveries. Perfect for adventure-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike, the Maydaq backcountry trails offer a unique and invigorating trekking experience. With ECC Adventures, embark on

Embark on a fascinating journey through Wadi Kub with ECC Adventures, an enthralling expedition that highlights the wonders of Fujairah's great outdoors. As you traverse captivating landscapes teeming with natural beauty, immerse yourself in the region's environmental wonders and cultural experiences. Wadi Kub is a haven for adventure-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike, offering a unique opportunity to explore the hidden gems of the UAE. Join ECC

Get ready to witness the breathtaking beauty of the UAE as you embark on an exciting trek to the summit of Mount Riham with ECC Adventures. A perfect mix of outdoor trekking, environmental education, and local cultural experiences sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Fujairah. Uncover the breathtaking landscapes, explore the intricate ecosystems, and immerse yourself in cultural experiences unique

Discover the splendors of the Hatta Green/Black Trails, a thrilling outdoor adventure nestled in the magnificent mountains of the UAE. With ECC Adventures, an innovative outdoor-recreational program in Fujairah, you'll be treated to a compelling blend of challenging trekking, immersive environmental education, and captivating local cultural experiences as you journey along the picturesque Hatta trails. Are you prepared to embark on an unforgettable adventure and explore

Embark on a breathtaking adventure to Jebel Hafeet, the UAE's second-highest peak that boasts a stunning blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and geological wonders. With ECC Adventures, the premier outdoor-recreational program, you'll have the opportunity to explore the captivating landscapes, immerse yourself in insightful environmental education, and connect with the local community through authentic cultural experiences as you scale the heights of Jebel Hafeet. Are